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Hybris UX Api

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PATCH customer


This operation updates a customerProfile/creditScore entity in CRM. Please find the description of the request and response in the below section.
It is available for Costa Rica Fixed (CRM -Siebel), and PR (CRM-CSG) Fixed customers.

Request URL


Base URI Parameter

businessIdstringMbusinessId string M Business unit identifier. Example: “JM”,”PA”,”CR”,"PR"
idstringMCustomer Id can be passed in the URL as a URI parameter


X-Correlation-IDstringOThis is a unique identifier for the current call chain that can be used to tie to PATCH the log entries on multiple layers. Could be uuid value, Min 16 Characters Example: 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3F92c2b
It is Mandatory for business
Channel to business. In this case, expected channelId will be: "ECOM"
Defalut value : ECOM
lobstringMThe Line Of Business has to be mentioned Eg:PREPAID,POSTPAID,FIXED

Security Headers

client_idstringMClient Id value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value. Eg: 6f0ed16a7b494d76b2d60e05bc3b3332
client_secretstringMClient secret value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value, eg: e4CD4D43449846aA9D8Cb9c43fAd324a

Request Body

Actual implemenation for CR (Request Body)

    "contactMedium": [
          "mediumType": "Email",
          "characteristic": {
              "emailAddress": "avinash.hari@abc.com",
              "contactType": "email"
    "characteristic": [
          "name": "lob",
          "value": "FIXED"

Actual implemenation for CR (Response Body) 200

  "id": "1-2H7FG6",
  "contactMedium": [
      "mediumType": "Email",
      "characteristic": {
        "emailAddress": "avinash.hari@abc.com",
        "contactType": "email"
  "characteristic": [
      "name": "lob",
      "value": "FIXED"

Implementation for PR-BSS FIXED (Request Body)-CreditScore update use case

Key Points to be considered.

  1. API only updates credit classification in BSS in the creditscore update use case. No other updates at the customer level.
  2. account.id , creditProfile.characteristic.name and creditProfile.characteristic.value(where name=CreditClassification) are mandatory to update credit classification in BSS
  3. Muleosft API is not validating the request. Error messages from BSS will be captured in the response.
  4. creditScore field is optional and not mapped to BSS.
    "account": [
            "id": "8211990010016418",
            "@type": "BillingAccount"
    "creditProfile": [
            "creditScore": "+687",
            "characteristic": [
                    "name": "BillingAccountId",
                    "value": "8211990010016418"
                    "name": "CreditClassification",
                    "value": "A"

Implemenation for PR-BSS (Response Body)-CreditScore update use case

    "id": "1101521633110",
    "account": [
            "id": "8211990010016418",
            "@type": "BillingAccount"
    "creditProfile": [
            "creditScore": "+687",
            "characteristic": [
                    "name": "BillingAccountId",
                    "value": "8211990010016418"
                    "name": "CreditClassification",
                    "value": "A"


Mandatory fields and Possible values are mentioned in below table

Note: siebel bss returns 200 Ok , even if no fields are passed to update. Fields are updated only if fields are passed as described in request.

Nº de cliente
Siebel ROW_ID
Note: value is passed in uriParam
Correo electrónico
Customer e-mail. It includes the following format validation: /(^ [\w.+-=]+@[\w.-]+.[\w-]+$)/g;N
